Tuesday 1 May 2012

Busy Busy Busy

I worked during the holidays, on almost every day, meaning I didn’t really have a holiday. The money was good though I must admit, but even the money I have saved never ever seems to be enough. Everything revolves around money! ‘ Money cannot buy happiness’ is a saying I certainly agree with, however money can buy things that make you happy and it can also make life easier. I wish I had some more of it. Not only money but that thing that’s constantly running away, time, also seems to be going so fast!

I received a voucher, a dentistry voucher. Yay! I can go to the monsters with the drills and pliers for free. Well that’s what I thought, little did I know on top of the voucher was a $400 dollar bill not to mention my boyfriend’s $1500 bill! Oh and that also means I miss some classes at TAFE, which makes it hard, with time trying to escape me all the time, to catch up on homework!

I will keep positive and stay motivated for I know that to achieve a goal you have to work hard. I will focus on the good times that I have had rather than the times I am in struggle town! Bring on the TAFE work for the new term, I am ready for you!