Wednesday 7 March 2012

Five years away and I am already planning.

I have made a five year plan. I have made a five year plan around the career path I have so carefully thought about, in literally the five minutes prior to actually creating my five year plan. So I don’t know how successful it will be, or if in a weeks’ time I will still aspire to achieve the goals I have so passionately listed.

However, already I feel like I have achieved something, I feel as if by making this plan I am pursuing a successful future. I have planned for things in the past, but not for things that are five years away! I mean everyone plans, even if it’s subconsciously as follows: what am I going to wear tomorrow? *planning in my head what I will wear*. A plan that requires some external input is more effort and often something I class as an achievement. A goal that I planned to achieve that required external input was a Christmas present.

When you have had everything taken from you, your kids, your happiness and even assets such as your car and your house even something small to help you get back on your feat means so much. So I got this person a moped. This for me this was very hard. I didn’t have money or a potential moped to buy. So I planned what to do to achieve all of these things.

Following my plan I first got a job, worked all summer, talked to someone about buying their moped and then bought it. This is probably one of my best planned achievements, because of the happiness that came with it. This to me is an example of how successful a plan can be if you are serious about the outcome.

So yes I have constructed a five year plan, hopefully this plan is as successful as my other one!

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