Tuesday 1 May 2012

Busy Busy Busy

I worked during the holidays, on almost every day, meaning I didn’t really have a holiday. The money was good though I must admit, but even the money I have saved never ever seems to be enough. Everything revolves around money! ‘ Money cannot buy happiness’ is a saying I certainly agree with, however money can buy things that make you happy and it can also make life easier. I wish I had some more of it. Not only money but that thing that’s constantly running away, time, also seems to be going so fast!

I received a voucher, a dentistry voucher. Yay! I can go to the monsters with the drills and pliers for free. Well that’s what I thought, little did I know on top of the voucher was a $400 dollar bill not to mention my boyfriend’s $1500 bill! Oh and that also means I miss some classes at TAFE, which makes it hard, with time trying to escape me all the time, to catch up on homework!

I will keep positive and stay motivated for I know that to achieve a goal you have to work hard. I will focus on the good times that I have had rather than the times I am in struggle town! Bring on the TAFE work for the new term, I am ready for you!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

A bumble bee will not stop me

I was not able to attend TAFE last week because I looked like this, don’t worry it was only a bee sting to the eye:

It is now not swollen, and I am back at TAFE.

I missed the class about Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), but that’s okay because I am very aware of what they are. We all abide by certain KPI’s, some people more than others. They include things such as laws, codes of conduct (of where you work for example) organisational standards that you have to follow and much more. Being aware of different KPI’s relevant to me, I find very is very important, it allows me to produce work to the best of my ability and perform at a high standard.   

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Five years away and I am already planning.

I have made a five year plan. I have made a five year plan around the career path I have so carefully thought about, in literally the five minutes prior to actually creating my five year plan. So I don’t know how successful it will be, or if in a weeks’ time I will still aspire to achieve the goals I have so passionately listed.

However, already I feel like I have achieved something, I feel as if by making this plan I am pursuing a successful future. I have planned for things in the past, but not for things that are five years away! I mean everyone plans, even if it’s subconsciously as follows: what am I going to wear tomorrow? *planning in my head what I will wear*. A plan that requires some external input is more effort and often something I class as an achievement. A goal that I planned to achieve that required external input was a Christmas present.

When you have had everything taken from you, your kids, your happiness and even assets such as your car and your house even something small to help you get back on your feat means so much. So I got this person a moped. This for me this was very hard. I didn’t have money or a potential moped to buy. So I planned what to do to achieve all of these things.

Following my plan I first got a job, worked all summer, talked to someone about buying their moped and then bought it. This is probably one of my best planned achievements, because of the happiness that came with it. This to me is an example of how successful a plan can be if you are serious about the outcome.

So yes I have constructed a five year plan, hopefully this plan is as successful as my other one!

Wednesday 29 February 2012


No I’m not referring to ‘sponge’ as the cleaning utensil I unfortunately use to wipe up revolting leftovers and mess left by ungrateful, wasting lovely customers. I’m referring to it, as what I am. You’re probably assuming that I’m a deranged weirdo because I’m referring to myself at a ‘sponge’. But no, wait, don’t assume things.

I’m referring to myself as a sponge because over the last four weeks I have learned so many new things regarding business. It’s like I am absorbing all that I am being taught and actually remembering it. Unlike school where you forget everything immediately after you take the first step out of the stuffy, resented class room that has tortured you for many years.

It’s a different felling when you’re studying for something you actually want to do, rather than just studying. Maybe that’s why I have more incentive to actually look at the slave labour assignments that I have to work on at home my homework. The atmosphere at TAFE is immensely different from that at school, a diverse group of people are here doing the exact same thing as me. Yay people that can actually help, and make the course a little bit more interesting!

Another fortunate difference is the lovely ladies who have wound up with a crazy, unorganised lazy student. So I’m not that bad, but still. The lecturers are here to help! They teach things in ways I understand and explain things again when the first time my brain was distracted thinking about the dress I just purchased.

Who knew learning could be made pleasant and easy, especially by the resources and people around you. I like coming to TAFE, it means I’m not at home adding countless calories to a body that doesn’t need it, and it also means that I’m not at work slaving away at a hot sink or serving people that are clearly coming late just so I have to be there all night.

I’m enjoying the life off a sponge; the hours of mental exercise will give me a big shining certificate… which will hopefully get me a big shiny job which leads to nothing other than lots of shiny MONEY.

…Everything is better when its shiny…

Sunday 26 February 2012

Doing Homework

When you set aside time to do homework, do you do it? I don’t. I think of time wasting activities constructive ways around it, for example customising my blog page or editing photos. I can blame it on being a teenager, or say that I'm too tired after work but I can’t lie to myself. I’m just lazy. After I have spent about two hours customising my blog and editing photos I realise I could have completed at least two pages of my eleven page assessment. Darn it. 
I guess as the work load increases I will no longer get away with not doing homework. So I have decided to make a serious effort to do homework from now on.
Shame on you time, for there is definitely not enough of you, and your management is appalling.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

When fun was an option!

As you know I have no social life, so I often find myself doting on the few weeks before TAFE, when I had no educational responsibilities. I saved all my money and went on a holiday with Jordy, my boyfriend. We pack up and went to Perth; when we came back I didn't have any money left at all to pay for TAFE. Yes I am a typical teenager in that respect! So off I was spending every last cent of mine and Jordy's money on unnecessary products and activities.

We went bowling...sadly I wasn’t the greatest, not to mention I was battling it out against 8 year olds!

We soaked up some sun at Kalamunda Wet and Wild.

We went ice skating for hours, went to Adventure World, shopped til we dropped, and went to the cinemas but most importantly we spent time with our families.

Jordy with his niece and nephews
My younger sister

Ohhh the joys of not having to worry about assignments!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The power of an Email

Who knew writing an email could land you with a court case. I mean come on, the whole world wasn't suppose to read me bad naming my boss it. Well that's the power of an email, it is not private or confidential and can be sent to anyone else who has an email address. So here I am thinking that sending an email is easy, how could you get it wrong? Now that I have learnt the email etiquette rules, its apparent that you can get lots of things wrong.

So instead of costing myself a potential job or making myself a horrible first impression I think I will definitely use email etiquette and ensure my emails convey a positive message!