Wednesday 22 February 2012

When fun was an option!

As you know I have no social life, so I often find myself doting on the few weeks before TAFE, when I had no educational responsibilities. I saved all my money and went on a holiday with Jordy, my boyfriend. We pack up and went to Perth; when we came back I didn't have any money left at all to pay for TAFE. Yes I am a typical teenager in that respect! So off I was spending every last cent of mine and Jordy's money on unnecessary products and activities.

We went bowling...sadly I wasn’t the greatest, not to mention I was battling it out against 8 year olds!

We soaked up some sun at Kalamunda Wet and Wild.

We went ice skating for hours, went to Adventure World, shopped til we dropped, and went to the cinemas but most importantly we spent time with our families.

Jordy with his niece and nephews
My younger sister

Ohhh the joys of not having to worry about assignments!

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