Tuesday 14 February 2012

Theres a first time for everything, right?

This is the first blog I have written, my first year of TAFE, my first year of working and my first year of paying bills. The first year I'm expected to be independent!

Its been interesting, my first week at TAFE, surprisingly a lot like school. There are some differences, but less than I expected. For example working in the class rooms, it was mostly group work; however the curriculum is taught similar to how it is taught at school.

I began my class not knowing anyone so I felt a bit out of place and nervous. I am determined to meet and socialise with everyone in my class. I am here to pass this course just like they are, so I feel confident that we can help each other out.

I have decided to better myself considering I am now my own bill payer! I want to move to the big smoke eventually, with a qualification that will give me a bit of flexibility when entering a new workforce.

So here I am, blogging about all my new experiences and how I feel about them. Trust me, I'm trying not to sound boring but I'm finding it impossible. 

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