Sunday 26 February 2012

Doing Homework

When you set aside time to do homework, do you do it? I don’t. I think of time wasting activities constructive ways around it, for example customising my blog page or editing photos. I can blame it on being a teenager, or say that I'm too tired after work but I can’t lie to myself. I’m just lazy. After I have spent about two hours customising my blog and editing photos I realise I could have completed at least two pages of my eleven page assessment. Darn it. 
I guess as the work load increases I will no longer get away with not doing homework. So I have decided to make a serious effort to do homework from now on.
Shame on you time, for there is definitely not enough of you, and your management is appalling.

1 comment:

  1. Cute post Ashleigh ! I'm sure lots of us can relate to this. At least, from my point of view, updating your blog is a constructive, classroom requirement.

