Wednesday 29 February 2012


No I’m not referring to ‘sponge’ as the cleaning utensil I unfortunately use to wipe up revolting leftovers and mess left by ungrateful, wasting lovely customers. I’m referring to it, as what I am. You’re probably assuming that I’m a deranged weirdo because I’m referring to myself at a ‘sponge’. But no, wait, don’t assume things.

I’m referring to myself as a sponge because over the last four weeks I have learned so many new things regarding business. It’s like I am absorbing all that I am being taught and actually remembering it. Unlike school where you forget everything immediately after you take the first step out of the stuffy, resented class room that has tortured you for many years.

It’s a different felling when you’re studying for something you actually want to do, rather than just studying. Maybe that’s why I have more incentive to actually look at the slave labour assignments that I have to work on at home my homework. The atmosphere at TAFE is immensely different from that at school, a diverse group of people are here doing the exact same thing as me. Yay people that can actually help, and make the course a little bit more interesting!

Another fortunate difference is the lovely ladies who have wound up with a crazy, unorganised lazy student. So I’m not that bad, but still. The lecturers are here to help! They teach things in ways I understand and explain things again when the first time my brain was distracted thinking about the dress I just purchased.

Who knew learning could be made pleasant and easy, especially by the resources and people around you. I like coming to TAFE, it means I’m not at home adding countless calories to a body that doesn’t need it, and it also means that I’m not at work slaving away at a hot sink or serving people that are clearly coming late just so I have to be there all night.

I’m enjoying the life off a sponge; the hours of mental exercise will give me a big shining certificate… which will hopefully get me a big shiny job which leads to nothing other than lots of shiny MONEY.

…Everything is better when its shiny…

Sunday 26 February 2012

Doing Homework

When you set aside time to do homework, do you do it? I don’t. I think of time wasting activities constructive ways around it, for example customising my blog page or editing photos. I can blame it on being a teenager, or say that I'm too tired after work but I can’t lie to myself. I’m just lazy. After I have spent about two hours customising my blog and editing photos I realise I could have completed at least two pages of my eleven page assessment. Darn it. 
I guess as the work load increases I will no longer get away with not doing homework. So I have decided to make a serious effort to do homework from now on.
Shame on you time, for there is definitely not enough of you, and your management is appalling.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

When fun was an option!

As you know I have no social life, so I often find myself doting on the few weeks before TAFE, when I had no educational responsibilities. I saved all my money and went on a holiday with Jordy, my boyfriend. We pack up and went to Perth; when we came back I didn't have any money left at all to pay for TAFE. Yes I am a typical teenager in that respect! So off I was spending every last cent of mine and Jordy's money on unnecessary products and activities.

We went bowling...sadly I wasn’t the greatest, not to mention I was battling it out against 8 year olds!

We soaked up some sun at Kalamunda Wet and Wild.

We went ice skating for hours, went to Adventure World, shopped til we dropped, and went to the cinemas but most importantly we spent time with our families.

Jordy with his niece and nephews
My younger sister

Ohhh the joys of not having to worry about assignments!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The power of an Email

Who knew writing an email could land you with a court case. I mean come on, the whole world wasn't suppose to read me bad naming my boss it. Well that's the power of an email, it is not private or confidential and can be sent to anyone else who has an email address. So here I am thinking that sending an email is easy, how could you get it wrong? Now that I have learnt the email etiquette rules, its apparent that you can get lots of things wrong.

So instead of costing myself a potential job or making myself a horrible first impression I think I will definitely use email etiquette and ensure my emails convey a positive message!

The Social Side

A whole new meaning for me since starting TAFE. The social side is getting to know people that I never have known before,  with age differences that never occur at school, with people that have completely different lives to the kind of people I have previously socialised with. I’m certainly not saying its a bad thing, I’m appreciative of the opportunity I have been given to meet a diverse group of people. So they will be my friends during TAFE, but what about after?
All my time has disappeared, between work and TAFE homework I currently DON'T have a social life. I keep telling myself its only six months, which surprisingly is helping. After six months I can have all the social life I want aswell as a certificate to confirm I passed this course, I will stick it out and continute to be a loner that never leaves the house immersed in study until then!

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Theres a first time for everything, right?

This is the first blog I have written, my first year of TAFE, my first year of working and my first year of paying bills. The first year I'm expected to be independent!

Its been interesting, my first week at TAFE, surprisingly a lot like school. There are some differences, but less than I expected. For example working in the class rooms, it was mostly group work; however the curriculum is taught similar to how it is taught at school.

I began my class not knowing anyone so I felt a bit out of place and nervous. I am determined to meet and socialise with everyone in my class. I am here to pass this course just like they are, so I feel confident that we can help each other out.

I have decided to better myself considering I am now my own bill payer! I want to move to the big smoke eventually, with a qualification that will give me a bit of flexibility when entering a new workforce.

So here I am, blogging about all my new experiences and how I feel about them. Trust me, I'm trying not to sound boring but I'm finding it impossible.